
Posts Tagged ‘ice cream’

Weekend Wrap Up

Although the weekend was a very busy one for us, we also got some relaxation in and stuff done around the house.

Friday night was our big date night meal, and it did not disappoint!  As I’ve mentioned, Chad and I are HUGE seafood lovers!  Basically every kind imagineable.  It’s no shocker that Red Lobster is by far our favorite restaurant!  However, it also comes with a very high price tag so we’ve learned (with the help of my parents who are also seafood lovers) that you can easily replicate some of the things at home.  Friday night’s meal was no exception.  We kind of went overboard and made a smorgasboard, but it was still cheaper and healthier than eating out!!

YUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!  My mouth is watering just remembering Friday night 🙂  With it we had a salad, fries, some shrimp marinated in Hawaiian marinade and baked, and garlic bread.

And of course, dessert.  We’ve been doing a lot of these lately because it’s a low cal way to get my ice cream fix!  It’s just 2 graham crackers with 2 Tbsp FF cool whip.  You just sandwich together and freeze!  It is SO good and tastes just like ice cream when frozen!!!

Saturday Breakfast before hitting the gym: a PB, Banana, Soy Milk smoothie.  It hit the spot and gave me the light fullness I needed to get a good workout in.

Saturday Lunch: leftover Shrimp Pesto Pasta.  Also had some Kashi crackers and a new Hummus I found – Sabra Roasted Garlic.  MUCH better than the Athenos brand IMHO.

Saturday Supper: Breakfast!  🙂  I love breakfast food because it seems so much quicker to make then normal supper food!

During the day Saturday, we watched my friends’ dog Cash.  Cash – how cool of a name is that?  He’s a very big black lab – we’re talking about 115 pounds!  We always think Baylee is so big, but next to Cash she looked SO tiny! 🙂  Here is one of the pics from the play date – I couldn’t get them to hold still so it’s kind of blurry.

Saturday night we had a surprise 30th birthday party for a friend of ours.  It seems crazy to me that a lot of our friends are turning 30!!  Luckily I have a few years to go!! 🙂

Sunday morning it was time to finally try the pancakes that everyone has been making!!!  They did not disappoint!  And I even had to try a Kath style “taco” one! 🙂  YUM!

While Chad had softball practice, 2 of the wives and me went to the dog park.  It was a really nice day – I even ended up getting sun burnt?!?!?    It reminded me that summer IS coming!  🙂  Afterwards, it was already almost 2:00 so we all had to find something quick to eat.  We ended up going to Dairy Queen – of course I couldn’t go and not order Ice Cream!!  It definitely hit the spot with the warm weather.  I got a club (which was SO good), a side salad, and a small Banana Cream Pie Blizzard!  WOW was it good!!!

Once we got back, I got a LOT of cleaning done!  A LOT!  It felt soooo good.  I even got my vehicle all vacuumed out!  Also did laundry, cleaned counters, cleaned bathrooms, floors, etc.  We had supper about 7:30, but I wasn’t even hungry because of my large lunch.  I knew I couldn’t go without eating though, so ended up making a new combo – salad with noodles.  I love this combo when I go to Noodles & Co (I think it’s the Med Salad) but haven’t tried it at home.  It was really good – I just took about 1/2 cup of cooked spiral noodles, topped it with salad greens and cucumber, and put a cooked Boca Chicken Patty on top – topped with Balsamic dressing.  It was really, really good!  I only at about 2/3 of this.

And finally, Baylee after a long weekend.


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Change of Plans!

Since it was such a beautiful day outside, a lot of plans changed.  I ended up skipping the gym so I could run some errands, and then go home and play with Baylee outside and take her for a walk.  I was glad I did – EVERYONE was outside so I would have been jealous of them if I had drove on past and went to the gym 🙂

We played frisbee for a while and I then took her for a 40 minute walk.

Also, because of the nice weather, we decided to grill out instead of doing my original supper plans (which will be Thursday night’s supper instead). 

I had a boca burger on a Village Hearth Light Bun, some LF cheddar, spinach, and ketchup.  I also made some sweet potatoes fries on the side.  I only at half of them though and decided to save the rest for Thursday’s lunch.

Although I was pleasantly full afterwards, the warm weather had me craving ice cream!  I decided to have some of Chad’s FF Lifesaver Frozen Yogurt.  He actually got this healthy option by mistake a few weeks ago!!!  It benefited me though because now I get to eat it!  I had about a cup’s worth, with crushed graham cracker on top, and about 2 tsp of peanut butter 😉

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Friday Fish Delight

Most Fridays we try to have some sort of fish for our supper.  Growing up in Wisconsin, it’s tradition.  Wisconsin is mostly famous for their wonderful, tasty “Fish Fry” which is usually haddock or cod coated in beer batter (it IS Wisconsin afterall) and deep fried.  This is served along with french fries or potato salad.  Well, I’ve mentioned how much Chad and I love seafood.  Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to go out every Friday for a Friday Fish Fry, but it is an unhealthy as it sounds!  So, we’ve basically just brought that home and do it in a healthy way.  For tonight’s meal, I took frozen cod fillets from Sam’s Club, and thawed them out.  I then just spray them with cooking spray, and coat with Italian Breadcrumbs and bake.  That’s it.  Only 150 calories!!  Chad’s however has a little more – he forgoes the breadcrumbs and instead pours on a bunch of melted butter!  Delicious I’m sure, but I feel bad for his poor little clogging arteries 😦 

On the side I made Uncle Ben’s long grain chicken & wild rice, roasted asparagus, and a single serve steam in the bag sweet peas.  Wonderful, well balanced, tasty meal!

On to our second Friday tradition.  About 3 weeks ago, Chad, Baylee, and I started to walk to our local ice cream place that just opened back up for the season.  It’s about a 5 mile walk roundtrip so I feel better about it.  Plus they serve Dole Whip there!  For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s a low cal alternative to soft serve. 

Tonight we needed to drive there because it was 45 degrees and pouring, but it was fun and tasty nonetheless.  I get a small vanilla, with strawberries, banana, and coconut!  MMMMMM!

For a workout tonight I decided to skip the gym!!  I didn’t even feel guilty because it was the first time I’ve done this in about a month!  Instead I went home and did a workout tape – 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds.  We also took Baylee for a 30 minute walk in the RAIN AND COLD!  That’s dedication!

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