
Posts Tagged ‘kids’

Change of Heart

So, I had a change of heart today.  I like softball again!! 🙂  I’ll explain later….

Breakfast was a new variation on something I’ve done for years.  I’ve made “apple enchiladas” (recipe coming soon) before but have never added the apple mixture to anything else.  Today I decided to add it to oatmeal!!  It was delicious!!!!!

All I did was took an apple and after coring and peeling, sliced it up in really small chunks.  Then just add cinnamon and a tad of splenda, and microwave for about 3 minutes – until they’re getting soft.  I then added 1/2 cup rolled oats and 3/4 cup water.  Then microwave again like normal oatmeal – 3 minutes or so.  That’s it!!!!!!  It was really, really good and filling!!!  I also stopped on the way to work and got a Medium FF SF Coffee Toffee Latte!  mmmmmm

Breakfast = 5 points

I knew I was doing an earlier lunch so I made it through my morning without a snack.  I was SOOOOO excited for lunch and it couldn’t come fast enough – my sister has Tuesday’s and Thursday’s off to be with their 2 kids, Jaicee (almost 5) and Jorey (2).  Today they decided to come to my town (40 minutes from their house) and play at a local kid’s place, and then meet Chad and I for lunch!  We have a really nice McDonald’s where we leave so the kids wanted to go their to go in their playland 🙂  We had so much fun – I wish I had more time for lunch because I didn’t get to spend much time with them!  Of course since we were at McDonald’s I had to get my good ‘ole Southwest Chicken Salad (w/ Grilled Chicken).  I used 1/2 of the dressing packet.

Lunch = 8 points

And of course I had to take a picture of the fam 🙂  Here is my sister and I:

And here are Jorey and Jaicee in playland 🙂

 They are SO much fun!  We just love them to pieces!  I also have a brother and they have two kids as well – also a boy and a girl!  It’s really neat because they’re almost the same ages.  They have Riley who is almost 5 and Addison who is about 19 months.  Right now being an aunt and uncle is just perfect for us 🙂

Later for an afternoon snack, I had an orange.  I couldn’t believe it, but this fueled me through the evening until I ate at about 8:30 (after the softball game).

Snack = 1 point

After work, I took Baylee for a quick 30 minute walk.  In reality it turned into about 50 minutes though because now that it’s nice outside and there are SO many people out, it’s getting harder and harder to walk her because she wants to greet everyone and play with all the dogs we see.  Then, she gets so pooped from the head that the collar choking her from pulling, that she lays down on lawns along the way!  And when she does this, I CANNOT get her up!  Seriously, it’s so embarrassing.  I used to think it was cute, but now it’s getting to be bothersome because it takes forever!!!

After we got back, I quick rushed to Chad’s softball game.  It was a lot of fun!  Unfortunately they lost again but since it’s their first year playing and most of them haven’t played for years, it’s not all that surprising.  But, it’s SO much fun to watch!  🙂

Here is a pic of the team’s groupies:

I’m second from the left with the softball shirt on 🙂  It’s so fun to watch it with the wives and girlfriends!  The only bad thing is our guys get crabby when they play bad 😦

And here’s the team:

Chad is the guy right under the “1” sign.

By then I was getting pretty hungry, so I went home to have Baylee out a while before bedtime, and have some supper.  I just reheated leftover Lo Mein.

Supper = 7 points

Total for today = 21 points


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